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This blog exists to share hiking experiences around the world. I've done a bunch so far, and surely will do more, and I wanted a place where I could share useful things like "don't camp in BC in July because you'll get eaten alive by the angry mosquitos" or "you can take a hot shower in most teahouses on the Everest Base Camp." Simple things you don't think of until you're in the middle of nowhere. You can check out the Everest Base Camp & Three Passes Trek series here. Safe travels!
  • On the way to the Everest Base Camp in October 2018

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If you like to travel and want to try yourself out as a travel blogger but not sure where to start, why not join the REDD FOX blog? If you're interested drop us a line using the form below. Safe travels!

    Latest Blog Posts

    Everest Base Camp

    What to expect from a teahouse on the Everest Base Camp Trek

    October 8, 2020

    A short list of what to expect from a teahouse in Nepal when trekking to the Everest Base Camp or in the general High Himalayan mountain areas.


    The Everest Base Camp Trek Packing List (no porter)

    October 7, 2020

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    Everest Base Camp

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    Everest Base Camp

    Everest Base Camp Honeymoon: Exploring Kathmandu (Day Two)

    September 30, 2020

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    Everest Base Camp

    Kathmandu to Lukla, Everest Base Camp Honeymoon (Day Three)

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    Everest Base Camp

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    Everest Base Camp

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    Everest Base Camp

    Tengboche to Pangboche, Everest Base Camp Honeymoon (Day Six)

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