Everest Base Camp, Three Passes Trek, Travel

What to expect from a teahouse on the Everest Base Camp Trek

German bakery in the everest region nepa

This was our first experience with a teahouse accommodation, and since Thado Koshigaun is a tiny village made up of a few houses, we did not have a lot of room options to choose from.

Before booking, ask to see the teahouse room and washroom

It’s also good to see the room and the washroom before you agree to take it. Generally speaking, the earlier you arrive, the more choice you’ll have. That night, we arrived late due to our flight delay, so we only got to see one other place and came back to the Holiday Inn Resthouse.

Most teahouses have hot showers

Most teahouses have a shower. It’s most likely going to be outside and won’t look like a Turkish sauna, but you’ll be able to shower under hot gas heated water. The price for a shower will cost you more than your room, but on some cold days, it’s so worth it. Also, try to shower when the sun is still out as it gets dark and cold quickly, which takes longer to dry your hair.

Teahouse rooms are basic but sufficient

As you can imagine, the rooms are basic, but at the same time, you don’t need much when you’re staying overnight. Typically, a teahouse room will have two single beds with a mattress, a thick polyester-cotton comforter, a pillow, and a bedside stand of some sort. Toilets in the room are only available in luxury teahouses, and an indoor one is always better than an outdoor bathroom (which you’ll encounter on a few occasions). At the Holiday Inn teahouse, a “European style” toilet (instead of a squat toilet) is shared between two rooms, which is a luxury the higher you get. At higher elevations, most teahouses will have one bathroom for the whole teahouse, but there are some luxurious accommodations available as well.

Teahouse rooms are not heated

The rooms are not heated, so a good warm sleeping bag is essential, and so are high-tech layers to stay warm. At the start of the trek, it’s not as cold at night, but as you get higher, having quality gear becomes more critical, especially if you’re someone like me who sleeps cold. You can check out my packing list here.

